Monday, February 13, 2012

New Video

We want to thank you all for following us on our adventure across the world!  Since this blog was named specifically for this mission, we will only have a few more posts, with pictures, stats, etc.

However, you can watch this video that we posted on Youtube at "Missioners thoughts of our efforts in Labo".   You can also see updates on our new website at  And finally, PLEASE go to our Facebook page and hit the "I Like" button.  We need several more "likes" so we can make the page it's own and not tied to Joel's Facebook page.  You can find it here.

Thank you so much for your support, prayers and comments.  We are ramping up our efforts for the next mission in January 2013.

Joel & Christine

Here are some random pictures from the mission

Dr. Gamy

Local artists work 
Donated plastic cars are awesome!

7.5lbs ovarian cyst!  Wow!

Cleft Lip surgery

Some down time in Bayawan

Post-op cleft lip/palate on 4 month old

Pre-op cleft lip/palate on 4 month old

Cleft Lip/palate on little boy